外国人に日本の沢登りを勧めてみた Part1 Recommend to a foreigner SAWA-nobori ~ Japanese unique style climbing in the creeks ~

2023.09.15(金)- 16(土)湯檜曽川東黒沢 - ナルミズ沢 15.09.23 Fri. - 16 Sat. Yubiso-Higashi kuro creek and Narumizu creek

Higashi-kuro creek


My friendS and I went to SAWA-nobori with my foreigner friend A.L. to share the joyful experience of the unique Japanese style “SAWA-nobori “. It was a 2-day trip in the creeks near Mt.Tanigawa.



I’ve come to know him at a climbers’ Hanami party 7 years ago.

I heard from Mr.SS that he will visit Japan soon. Mr.SS arranged to gather us in the Ogawa-yama climbing area. After the climb, climbers gathered at the campground and we talked about our recent experiences. When I show A.L. my SAWA-nobori photos and some topos of SAWA-nobori in my kindle, he said “I want to try like this!” with a gleam of interest in his eyes. He said he will manage to make a schedule to go to SAWA-nobori with us. Fortunately, S and I had a lot of free time in mid September. Additionally we really wanted to share the joyness of Sawa-nobori with him.


SAWA-nobori is an activity that has a higher risk than free climbing or trekking. I’m not an expert of SAWA-nobori, so usually I don’t go to SAWA with novices casually. But he is a good experienced climber and has much physical strength, and is a really nice guy who loves nature, that’s why I found there is no problem.

We make our own maps 













I asked him what he would like in SAWA-nobori, how much time for a SAWA-trip he has, and so on.

And I started planning with these conditions.

  • 2-day round trip with bivi beside the creek

  • Able to enjoy shower climbing on the waterfalls

  • No dangerous detour the big waterfall

  • Able to go to the top of the mountain

  • No mountain leech

  • Changeable to 1-day trip if bad weather

  • Good distance leaves at 7 a.m. Kanagawa

  • Able to do fishing ( if we have a time)

  • Area we know well

The course that fits these conditions above is definitely to climb up along Higashi-kuro creek and go down along a branch of Utsubogi creek and then go up  along Narumizu creek.

Once I thought it might be a good plan to try to climb slightly difficult waterfalls with ropes, but I found it is better to recommend to him the style of enjoying Japanese nature in the mountains while soaking in the water.

Location of Shiraga-mon parking lot



By my friendS’s car, S, A.L. and I were going to Minakami on Friday morning. And we would return to Kanagawa on Saturday night.

Though S and I have never taken this course before , S had been to Siraga-mon ( a branch of Higashi-kuro creek) 15 years ago while I climbed Narumizu 3 years ago. We know this area somehow.

Higashi-kuro creek is completely new to 3 of us.

ALは沢靴を買うというので、モンベル を勧めました。モンベル なら店舗がたくさんあるし、在庫も豊富だし、何より安くて質の良い物を売っています。 最初の1足はフエルト底が鉄板だと思うのですが、せっかくだから値段は気にせず良い道具を買いたいという彼が買ったのはラバーソウルの沢足袋とフエルトサンダルでした。私が今回持って行ったのと同じ組み合わせでした。 私は、計画書を作ったり、所属山岳会の人たちへ説明したり、準備をしました。そしてご飯の計画。ご飯のことを考えるのはいつもとても楽しいです。それから寒いかもしれないと防寒に備えたり(8月末、北岳の荒川北沢が結構寒かったので)、張り切って準備していました。 A.L. said he would buy SAWA shoes, so I recommended going to Mont-bell shop cause there are many stores in Tokyo and Mont-bell provides affordable high-quality SAWA shoes. Typically when you buy first SAWA shoes, many people recommend buying felt sole ones. But he wanted proper equipment so he bought a pair of SAWA tabi (very soft rubber shoes) and felt sole sandals which were attached to SAWA tabi. This combination is the same as ones I chose for this SAWA trip. I wrote an itinerary of this SAWA trip and explained to members of my alpine club this plan. And prepared foods for our fun camping at the bivi site. I was so excited!

Route in google map

しかし、数日前、天気予報は悪い予報でした。ちょうど、私たちが入渓する金曜の昼から、土曜にかけて、雨予報です。秋雨前線が降りてきて天気が不安定な状態になるようです。多少の雨ならば、どうせ濡れてしまうので構わないのですが、キャンプの時間帯に強く降ると釣れないし、焚火も難しい。それに、雷雨になると、増水が怖いです。特にナルミズは増水による死亡事故で有名です。あっという間に増水してしまうんだそうです。ナルミズという名前は増水して囂々と音を立てるから、という説があるそう。 But a few days before our trip, the weather forecast said it would not be good. From Friday noon to Saturday afternoon, it would rain. The autumn rain frontier was coming. It would make air unstable.It’s okay to rain lightly, because we soak in the creek eventually, but rain makes camping hard as it is difficult to do fishing and set a campfire. And more, if it rains hard , I fear rising a water-level and flash floods. Narumizu is notorious for its quick water-level rising and in the past sometimes sad accidents happened. Some people died in the water. The name of Narumizu means “Rumbling water” in Japanese, it comes from this creek rumbles loudly when water-level rises.

前日の夕方、家の近くの丘から富士山方面を眺めました。大気は不安定そうです、入道雲がいくつも見えました。夜になると、天気予報はさらに悪い方向に傾いていました。 奥多摩や丹沢、南アルプスや奥秩父、さらに紀伊半島まで転戦を検討しましたが、結局、全国的に不安定な天気なので、あれこれ計画を立てるより、最初の計画を軸にして、天気が悪かったら東黒沢の最初の部分で引き返して、翌日、白毛門沢だけ遡行して終わりにする計画に変更するなど、行き先は変えないことにしました。天気がよくなりますように、と神に祈る気持ちでした。 朝、起きてチェックした天気予報もまだ悪いままでした。私は山専門の天気サイト山テンを含む3種類の天気予報サイトをみていますが、いずれも降水確率は90から100%。雷雨になる可能性も50%くらいあるようです。 Sと合流して、ALを迎えにいく車内で話し合いましたが、Sは「自分一人だったら、泊まりは中止する」という意見でした。私は「Sと二人だったら中止する、自分一人だったら行ってみる」でした。結局、結論は駐車場についたときの最新の予報を参考にして、日帰り(東黒沢の途中で引き返す)か予定通り宿泊地へ行くか決めよう、ということでした。 The day before our departure, I stared at the sky above Mt.Fuji to know the weather. I found the air was very unstable. A lot of cumulonimbus were in the line. At the night,the forecast became worse. I thought about changing the plan to go to another area, but all of Japan it would be unstable weather so it was not smart to change direction. It would be better to keep a basic plan then arrange it when bad weather. We would turn back Higashi-kuro creek in the half-way, and next day we would be able to start a day trip in Shiraga-mon. I prayed that the weather would be better. On Friday morning, I checked the forecast as soon as I woke up. It was still bad.I checked 3 sites ( one of those is the forecast specialized for mountain areas), all of them said it would rain 100% or 90%, and middle risk of thunderstorms. I met with S, drove and talked on the way to the station, his opinion was “ I change the plan to a day-trip because it has high risk to go to overnight trip” while my opinion is “If it were a trip with S and I, I would change the plan. But if I were alone, I would go anyway”.The conclusion was “we’ll decide when we get to the parking lot”.

Cloudy Minakami town


神奈川や埼玉の途中まで晴れていたものの、群馬に入ると雲が多くなってきました。山の方は降っていそうです。高速道路は空いていて、2時間ちょっとでみなかみI.C.まで行けました。 駐車場までの間、道路はびしょびしょで、今にも降ってきそうな空です。 が、駐車場についたら晴れ間が出てきました。予報も、雨の振り出し時間が遅くなって、雷の危険性もやや下がったようです。 日が差して明るい感じのおかげか、慎重派のSの表情も明るくなって、泊まりの装備で出発することになりました。それでも、夕方に雨が降ることは確実だと思っていましたし、途中で激しい雨になったら引き返す可能性はまだありました。 We picked A.L. up near the station, told our opinions, and headed to Minakami.Through Kanagawa, Tokyo and Saitama it was sunny but after we entered Gunma we saw clouds covered mountains, we thought it was raining in the mountains. Very good highway driving made us arrive early at Minakami town. Road was wet because of the morning rain. But when we got to the parking lot, unexpectedly sunshine came.The forecast was better then. I found S’s face was bright.We decided to start the original plan though there were still risks of weather.

Day1東黒沢-広河原 Higashi-kuro creek to camp site

Day1 route in map( blue is descend)

10:15頃、意気揚々と出発しました。東黒沢は駐車場からすぐです。 最初の堤防を迂回するトレイルが分からなくて、悪い道を通ってしまいましたが、無事に入渓しました。Sは東黒沢が記憶よりもずっと小さい沢で驚いていました。

About at 10:15, we left the parking lot and went into Higashi-kuro creek. it was very near but we missed a good trail to detour the weir, anyway we were in the creek. S was surprised the creek was so smaller than his memory.

The first mini fall

最初に小さい滝があって、わざと濡れながら登ってみました。 When the first small waterfall appeared, I intentionally climbed the middle of the falls for exercise.

The Hanage fall 


Hanage fall.15 years ago, S roped up here, but we didn’t need a rope. Water level was low.

Blue sky




Mountainside makes me always calm and comfortable. Now we saw the blue sky, it made us really happy. A.L. looked having fun with his voice “Sugoi!” (Amazing in Japanese).

At the fork of Shiraga-mon creek

白毛門沢と別れて、東黒沢を進むと、ナメが続きます。 *ナメ、とは、「流水が緩やかな一枚岩の上を流れているところ」なめらか、のナメ それなりの規模の滝がいくつも出てきます。私は泳ぎました。 たまにヌルヌルの箇所がありましたが、フェルトサンダルは履かずに、なんとかなりました。 ALは水側の支点に驚いていました。特にリングボルト!日本ではこれが普通なのか?と不思議がっていました。よく古い懸垂支点を見かけるけど、あまり安全じゃないと思います。私だったら、あそこの木で支点とるよ、と指を差しました。太い木に残置スリングがありました。 The creek split into 2 streams. One was Shiraga-mon creek. As we kept going mainstream, consecutive na-me appeared. *Na-me is the stream over the smooth slab. It’s one of the SAWA words. We climbed many small or midsize waterfalls. I swam in the pool. Occasionally there are slimy rocks, but I didn’t wear felt sole sandals, rubber sole could work enough. A.L. found old-fashioned bolts beside the water, he wondered if it was normal style in Japan.I often find the curious bolts or stations, thinking those are not safe enough. I pointed to a big tree above us, said I would use that tree. There was one sling to rappel. Sometimes frogs appeared.

Climb in the stream

Na-me continues

Natural bridge (for animals only)

Walking beside beautiful water

Green gem in the rock

Slimy waterfall climbing

In the sunshine

Sometimes shower climbing

Na-me continues again

Panorama technic really works!

Don't slip!

Like a paved road

ウツボギ沢の支流を降る Down to Utsubogi

Last part of Higashi-kuro

やがて源頭部付近になって、藪になりました。 笹藪をかき分けて、尾根の反対側の沢に入ります。ウツボギ沢の支流を降りました。 ここも結構ヌルヌルしていたので慎重に降りました。 30分かからずウツボギ本流でした。ここも河底の石がヌルヌル。後で薪を集めているとき、思いっきり転倒してしまいました。ウツボギ沢とナルミズ沢の出合いである、ビバークサイトのある広河原についたのは15時前でした。 川底より1、2メートルの高さの場所ですが、豪雨にならない限り大丈夫そうだと判断し、宿泊の準備にとりかかりました。薪を集めているとき、ナルミズ沢にでっかい魚がいるのを見かけました。Sに、早く釣りに行った方がいいと勧めました。 Finally, we were through the origin of the creek, went over the col in the Bamboo bush, we came to the other side of the ridge.Going down to another creek which was one of the branches of Utsubogi creek. Slimy rocks made us very cautious. In the 30 min. we reached Utsubogi creek, its riverbed was so slimy(I fell down violently later when I was picking up sticks for fire!) Then we slightly went down and we found a delta between Narumizu and Utsubogi. It was a nice bivi site though it was only 1-2 meters higher than the riverbed. It was before 3 p.m. And luckily it still hadn't rained.

Down climbing

Heading to Utsubogi

広河原でキャンプ Camp at the bivi site

Bivi site

天気はまだまだ大丈夫そうで、もしかして今日はもう降らないのかもしれないと思ってしまいました。 無事に焚火もできて一安心です。ALと二人、焚火の世話をして、少し休憩しました。 釣りの様子をみに行きたい、とALはSのあとを追いかけて行きました。 が、しばらくしてALは一人で帰ってきました。釣りの時、遡行ペースはすごくゆっくりのはずだし、すぐそこに魚影があったのにどこまで行ったのかな?と不思議でした。







We thought this site would be fine unless crazy heavy rain, so we set up our camp. Weather was fine, I hoped it wouldn't rain at all. S went fishing. I saw a big fish while picking up sticks, so told S to go fishing immediately. I organized a campfire, A.L. brought a lot of sticks for fire. And we took a break. A.L. wanted to watch fishing so he tried to follow S. But A.L. came back soon alone because he couldn't find S.I wondered how far S went.Waiting S, A.L. and I talked about various things. When clouds made the sky dark, I got worried about S. He recently slipped and fell down from the na-me falls, and sometimes accidentally dropped into the water pools. In Narumizu someone died by drowning before, I was afraid S was so psyched fishing to get into an accident. Maybe AL felt my feelings , he talked to me kindly , we talked about next day plans, mountains around here, why Mt.Tanigawa is so many people died, and so on. Finally it started to rain, so we made a roof of fire with bamboo leaves.

Fire with a bamboo leave roof

Sは無事帰ってきてホッとしました。 思ったより釣れなくて残念そうでしたが、2匹、それなりの大きさのイワナが釣れました。河原で魚を捌きます。1つは塩焼きに、もう一つは味噌汁の具にしました。



S returned with 2 fish. He was embarrassed he only got 2 fish. But I was happy to show A.L. Japanese river fish. Beside river S gutted the fish, one for Sio-yaki (salted and baking beside fire), another for miso-soup. Rain had stopped, we sat surrounded by fire. As We learned A.L.’s the most favorite food is Onigiri, it was a pity that we didn’t bring a rice cooker (it can cook on the fire) and real rice. I thought it would be hard to fire in the rain, so I brought only instant rice packs.

Iwana which means Rock-fish in Japanese

Gutting the fish

豪雨にビビる Scary rain

暗くなって、雨が降ったり止んだりし始めたので、3人タープの下でおしゃべりをしていました。 突然、ゴォーというすごい音がし始めました。何だろう、と警戒していると、ものすごい激しい雨が降り出しました。 ALはダムが崩壊した音かと思ったそうです。私は、この強い雨が続くようなら、かなり増水するかもしれない、とビビっていました。少しくらい天気が悪くても行こうと言ったのは私なのに、いざ強い雨が降ってくると一番オロオロするのは私なのでした。心を落ち着けるために、荷物の整理をして、いつでも避難できるようにしておこうとしました。が、幸運にも、15分もたたず雨脚は弱まりました。そしてまた雨は止みました。念のため、ウツボギ沢とナルミズ沢の様子をみに行きました。水はクリアで、増水の兆候はありませんでした。(もし、ナルミズ沢の水量が多くて困難なら、ウツボギ沢を遡行して登山道に出る予定でいたのです) その後もしばらく、少し雨が降ったり、遠くで雷が鳴っていましたが、夜中にはすっかり天気はよくなっていました。 3人でタープの下で寝るのは狭いだろうと、自立型のツエルトを1つ持ってきていました。Sがその中で寝て、私とALはタープの下で寝ました。蚊が少しいたので、鼻と口だけシュラフカバーから出して寝ていたのですが、見事に、鼻の頭と顎、耳たぶや頬などが刺されてしまいました。 沢の泊まりでは珍しく、よく眠れました。私は普段、焚火の世話をしながら1、2時間おきに起きてあまり眠らないのです。焚火は途中で消えてしまいましたが、とても暖かく、生暖かい風が吹いていて、ダウンウェアも乾いたもこもこの靴下も、着替えの長袖長ズボンのインナーも不要でした。ホッカイロまで持ってきていたのが馬鹿馬鹿しく思えるほどでした。

夜中、鹿の声が2回聞こえましたが、あとは秋の美しい虫の声がしているだけでした。 Night came on. It started to rain again. The 3 of us were chatting under the tarp, suddenly we heard rumbling sounds approaching.We were wary, soon it rained so hard. A.L. thought it might be the sound of a dam breaking! I worried if this crazy rain would continue,the water-level would rise.It was me who wanted to go to Sawa-nobori despite the bad weather.But I was the most trembling person when it turned to bad weather. I organized my belongings to calm down, fortunately, it almost stopped raining in 15 min. I went to see the creek after the rain stopped, relieved to see clear water and water-level not rising.( if Narumizu water increased, we would go to Utsubogi creek instead) For a while, it rained a little and we heard the sound of far-away-thunderstorms, but by midnight it was fine. We brought a light single-wall tiny tent. Because under the tarp, there would not be enough room for 3 people to sleep. S slept in the tent, the other 2 under the tarp. Mosquitoes came and bit our face during the night. But I slept well. Usually I take care of the fire all night in SAWA-bivi. Fire was gone but the warm wind didn't make me chilly. It was funny even I didn't need down clothes, why I had prepared instant heat pads! I heard deers bleats and autumn insects chirping. It was a wonderful night.

A big frog hiding in the bush
