外国人に日本の沢登りを勧めてみた Part2 Recommend to a foreigner SAWA-nobori ~ Japanese unique style climbing in the creeks ~

  Part 1 

Last part of Narumizu

Day2 キャンプ地を去る leave camp site

Day2 route in map( blue is descend)




霧はなくなって、晴れてきました。 I woke up at 4:30 by the sounds of S moving. For a while I stayed lay down and looked around. It fogged a little. Before 5 a.m. all of us woke up, and had breakfast. It became clear, fogs had gone.

Sky in the morning



タープを回収して畳んだり作業をしていて、ALはとても丁寧に、きちんと道具を扱うので素晴らしいと思いました。朝一番に濡れた靴を履いたり、濡れた手袋を嵌めるのはちょっと気持ちが悪いですが、夜あまり雨が降らなかったことが嬉しくて、また今日も意気揚々と出発しました。 I was sure of good weather. And today, we would not need gears as Narumizu’s normal water-level. We packed the harness and some climbing gears. We packed a tarp and a tent, A.L. were working very carefully so I was impressed by his fine work. Though putting on wet gloves and wet shoes made us uncomfortable, we were so happy it hadn’t rained so much last night and we saw the blue sky in the morning. We started off triumphantly at 6:10.

ナルミズ沢を遡行する Narumizu creek


6:10に出発しました。 最初は平凡な河原が続きますが、深い縁が現れました。ALは昨日ここで引き返したそう。 側壁をクライミングして、先へ進むといくつも深い縁と小滝が現れました。 以前来たときと同じように、泳いで滝に取り付きます。ALは最初Sの真似をしてへつっていましたが、途中からバンバン泳ぎ出しました。

Sは2回くらいしか泳がなかったです。ALは、泳ぐのが気に入ったらしく、途中、エメラルドグリーンの淵に飛び込んでみたり、とても楽しそうでした。それに、なるべく滝のど真ん中に挑戦していました。とてもいいラインを選んで登っています。 そこで、沢登りの美学について話しました。水線のど真ん中に近いところを登るのが、美しいとされていること、ストイックな沢屋の中には「水線を離れるな」を信条として、水がなくなる最後の最後まで水の中を離れないように登る人たちがいる(らしい)ということ、を話しました。 Initially, we were going to an ordinary riverbank, and then, a deep pool appeared. We climbed a side wall over the pool, we found many deep pools and small falls. As I came here before, I swam and crawled up waterfalls. A.L. traversed the side walls as S was doing, but he began to swim in the pools. S didn’t want to get wet, he had only a few times to swim. Oppositely A.L. liked to swim very much, he looked so happy. And he jumped into a stunning emerald green water. He instinctively chose a beautiful line to climb, the center of the stream. Later I told him about the aesthetics of SAWA-nobori that the best line is the center of the water line. Some stoic SAWA climbers have their faith “Don't be away from the water” until the creek ends.

First pool

Deep green water 

It's easy to swim than traverse

Traverse or swim

Big steps of rocks

Is it a goal mountain?

Not cold water

明るい日差しの中、どんどん進みました。 We went on and on in the bright sunshine.

At the Ohishi creek fork




陽も高くなって、暑いくらいになりました。 We passed Ohishi Creek fork. There was another bivi site I spent the night I came here before.

I felt it was the best choice to camp at Utubogi delta. Because here it was so changed. It looked an awful place to camp. We went further, water was less now, but still we could swim. Strong sun beam made us hot.

Choose center line

Jump into Emerald green

S-shaped gorge

Crux waterfall

Climbing beside fall

Shining water


At the fork, we took a break, we saw Mt.Eboshi so near now. Passing the fork, water was less and less, still we sometimes found deep water pots like a bathtub.

The creek become narrow 


Still deep

Red leaf



In the stream, the surface of rock with plants looked slimy but it had nice friction, so we easily walked. The creek was getting narrow and when we found the last fork water was gone. We thought it would be very hot, so we off our helmet and my jacket. The last part to the ridge was so amazing as topo says ” it is like heaven”. Before I couldn’t see the panorama because the weather was bad, this time it was so nice to me. There is no bush till the ridge.

Good friction

Sometimes steep

Fist jam works

Surrounded small bamboos


藪漕ぎ Busy trail

笹藪に覆われたコルにでました。 ここから藪漕ぎに近いトレイルとなります。ALに昨日のうちに藪がすごいと伝えていたし、クライミングのアプローチで藪はよくあると言っていたので、問題ないでしょう。 ちなみに、私は結構藪漕ぎが好きです。滑落の心配がなくて安全ですし、何かの動物になった気分が味わえるからです。ただ、足元が見えないので、滑ったり、深い穴があって足をとられたりするので、体力を消耗します。 We reached the ridge covered with small-bamboo bushes. From here to a maintained trail, a hard bushy trail continues. I actually like bushy trails.I feel I were a kind of animal, and it is safe from falling down. But we needed to be very careful, because we couldn't see our steps. And we needed more energy to go through.

Changing shoes

Goal col

Bushy trail

Busy trail continues

See below creek

途中、越後烏帽子のピークで遡行してきたナルミズを眺めました。 At the top of Mt.Echigo-Eboshi, We watched Narumizu Creek we came through.   



Around the peak of Mt.Asahidake we were heading, was started to get covered by fog. It brought cool breezes and it was nice timing as we were climbing up the bush.

End of hard trail

2人を先に行かせて、私がラストで藪を泳いで行きました。二人はだいぶ前を行っていると思ってウーウー鳴きながら、ガサガサ登って行ったら突然、一般道のジャンクションにでました。笑われてしまいました。 Let S and AL go ahead, I was the last to swim the bush.I thought they were far ahead, so I made noisy voices “ woo,woo” like an animal. Suddenly I jumped out to the junction and found they laughed at me.

一般登山道 General trail

Bog near Mt.Asahidake


朝日岳のあたりは湿原が広がり、池塘があって綺麗です。 続いて笠ヶ岳を目指しました。登山道の整備をしている人に会いました。ちょうど、道沿いの草をチェーンソーで刈り払っていました。そうしないと、ジャンクションまでの道のようにあっという間に藪に覆われてしまうのでしょう。 After lunch time here, we headed to Mt.Asahidake, which is nearly 2,000m high. Because it was a part of a very popular horseshoe trail, It was very good to walk. Around Mt.Asahidake bogs spread, we saw some ponds. They were beautiful. Pass the highest peak, we were heading to Mt.Kasagatake, we met a man with chainsaw to maintain trails. Unless cutting the bamboo the trail should be bushy.


Shelter beside the trail

雲は流れて、日差しがでたり、陰ったりします。 笠ヶ岳の頂上付近にある避難小屋を見学しました。中を開けるとムワッとしたなんともいえない空気が漂っていました。ALがクールだ、というので、びっくりしました。私が以前通った時、天気が悪かったので、この避難小屋でお茶休憩しようかと思っていたのですが、外観を見て、素通りしたものです。 本当にいいと思う?と聞き返したら、ALはクールだけど、よくはないよね、と言ってました。 Clouds flowed, sometimes sunbeam, sometimes shade. We took a look at the emergency shelter below Mt.Kasagatake. When I opened the door, I felt musty smells. A.L. said “cool” and I was curious he wanted to stay inside so I asked him it but he meant just a cool hut there.

Mt.Tanigawa in the cloud
The wall of notorious Ichinokura can be seen

Memorial monument

そして、最後のピーク、白毛門です。 なんだかどんどん暑くなるみたいで、ものすごい汗だくになりました。 白毛門で、私も半パンになりました。毎週白毛門を登ってトレーニングしているというお兄さんがちょうど登ってきたので、お願いして3人の写真を撮ってもらいました。 And then we were on the last peak. Mt.Shiraga-mon.The temperature was getting hotter and hotter, I felt. I was so sweaty. I took off long tights. We wanted a picture of the 3 of us, a young man just came to the peak. So I asked him to take a picture.

Grand-pa and Ground-ma rock.



Below the peak we could see Siraga-mon creek very well. And the Grand-pa rock, Grand-ma rock. From the peak to the parking lot its elevation was about 1000m, we went down all at once. As getting less elevation, higher the temperature, I said “too hot”, and asked A.L. whether it was too hot but he replied “it was better than summer climbing on the sunny slab routes in Ogawayama”. I found it an amusing answer and I agreed him. But I still went down with saying “Azui,azui” which means “too hot” in Japanese. I had no water, so I licked the candy. I was the last and S and A.L. went ahead. I knew I was the most tired person.

Trail near parking



沢でしょっぱくなっていた顔を洗いすっきりしました。ふと見ると橋の近くで、写真を撮ってくれたお兄さんが、水流に横たわっていました。気持ち良さそうでした。 駐車場に着いたら、「無事に戻ってきたね、おめでとう!」みたいにわーっと祝杯をあげようと思っていたのですが、駐車場に入った途端に土砂降りになりました。すごい土砂降りで、着替える余裕もなく車に乗り込んで、とりあえずみなかみの駅の方まで移動することにしました。この雨のなか、沢にいたらと思うと恐ろしいです。 そして、ずっと悪い天気予報のはずが、全く逆で、私たちの行動中に天気が良かったのは、なんて幸運なのだろうと思いました。それに、沢は貸し切りでした。
The Last part, in the forest I felt a thunderstorm coming. Getting dark, getting humid, hearing rumbling sounds. It might be rainy soon. Finally I got to flat place, found Higashi-kuro creek. I washed my salty face with the creek water. The young man who took pictures of us laid down in the creek, it looked really nice for him. I wanted to celebrate our success in the parking lot, but no time left. Suddenly a crazy rainstorm came and we had to evacuate. We headed to Minakami town anyhow. It was lucky we were in the parking lot when it started to rain hard. If we were in the creek, it would be awful. It would be very scary. And it was so lucky the weather was good during our trip, nevertheless the forecast was so bad. And It was also nice that we met no one in the creek.

Rain too hard

終わりに At the end 

みなかみの駅前のコンビニに着く頃、雨は小降りになったので、とりあえず飲み物、軽食、アイスを買いました。地面がびしょ濡れだし、駐車場も狭いので、高速に乗ってサービスエリアへ移動することにしました。 ALは明日の朝に成田空港から帰国するので、早めに戻った方がいいと思いました。沢靴を乾かす暇はありません。ALは濡れたまま国へ持って帰るつもりでいたから、構わないと笑っていました。とてもタイトなスケジュールで、みなかみでは風呂も外食にも立ち寄りませんでしたが、沢や山で充実した時間が過ごせたので、私も幸せな気持ちでいっぱいでした。 とくに、ナルミズで、私が一番気に入っていた「釜を泳いで滝に取り付く」のをALもすごくたのしかった、と言っていて、沢の楽しさを共有できたことがすごく嬉しかったです。 天候が不安定で心配で、途中ザッと降ってきたり、いろいろ自然特有の不確定要素があるからこそ、予定した通りの行程で進めた時の喜びは大きいです。最近では山火事によって変更を余儀なくされたAssiniboineの登頂の喜びも大きかったですが、今回の沢旅もそれに負けず劣らず嬉しい出来事でした。ただ一つ、今回、飯盒と焚火で美味しいお米を炊けなかったのが心残りです。ALはおにぎりが大好きなので、いつかどこかで飯盒で炊いたお米でおにぎりを握ってあげたいな、と思います。 We dropped by FamilyMart to buy some drinks, snacks and ice cream. It stopped raining but the ground was so wet, we moved to the highway and looked for dry ground to organize our backpacks. Next day morning A.L. were going to take a plane to his country from Narita. So we returned to Kanagawa as soon as we could. He had no time to dry his gears and shoes. He said “it’s okay, I knew it before” with a smile. It was a little bit tight schedule we didn’t have time to Onsen nor Ramen but we spent really really brilliant time in SAWA and the mountain, I was very happy, and this trip is one of the best experience I had in my life. Narumizu was the most memorable creek for me, and I liked to swim and climb in the creek. A.L. also liked it, we can share the joyness of SAWA, it makes me so happy. Unstable weather, and some frightened rain, and other risks exist in nature, so we cannot control them, but they are, because they are, when we could execute as we planned, it makes us real joy. The only one thing in this trip I couldn't, is cooking rice with campfire. I’ll make a lot of Onigiri from really good rice for A.L. someday somewhere.

Rice cooker for camping

SAWA-Nobori Infomation 沢の情報 Quotes from some Topos, arranged by myself (各種トポから、抜粋して私が編集したものです) 上越 (谷川連峰)利根川水系 Joetsu area(Tanigawa mountains) ,Tone river basin 湯檜曽川東黒沢 Yubiso-River Higasi-kuro-sawa (Easten Black Creek) 1-Day , course time 4h30min ★★★★ ClimbingGrade:Ⅲ, Course Rating: Easy Elevation gain 610m , Distance 3700m Season:Mid July - Late in October Review: Bright creek with continual na-me. Most prominent na-me is the long and wide Hanage waterfall.It turns to white dragon when the water volume increases,and the scenery is spectacular. This creek is famous for its access to Narumizu creek. (It takes 40 mins from the col to Narumizu by going down along branch creek of Utsubogi) 宝川ナルミズ沢 Takara river Narumizu-sawa(Rumbling Water Creek) 2-day trip, course time 4.5 - 5 hours ★★★★ ClimbingGrade:Ⅲ, Course Rating: Easy - Moderate Elevation gain 520m , Distance 4300m Season:Late in July - Late in October ( Best August - Mid September) Review:Very beautiful creek, there is no difficult part of the upper Utsubogi-sawa fork. So beginners can go upstreaming this creek while having fun.Upper part is especially a fun place. A lot of small waterfalls and pools appear. In the last part, the creek disappears into stunning meadows that are like heaven. But on the ridge, a bushy annoying trail continues that is like hell.It takes more than 4 hours to descend wherever you park. If you don't have enough physical strength, plan with plenty of time. Trekking course : Elevation gain 320m / loss 1350, Distance 7200m Course time 6 - 6.5 hours From a col between Mt.DaiEboshi and Mt.EchigoEboshi (hard trail) to Shiraga-mon parking lot.

